I have skipped quite a few weeks in this blog. It's not like I've been that busy, more like lazy. I will try and go back as far as I can and review the major milestones in the last 12 weeks of my pregnancy. Although with my now fuzzy pregnant mommy-brain, I can only say the week the milestone occurred rather than to the specific day within the week.
Week 20
I went for my week 20 ultrasound. My mom was visiting me, so she came along with me and my husband to the appointment. It was really cool to have my mom see the baby on the monitor in person. Come to think of it, it was also the first time my husband was seeing the ultrasound in person too! The ultrasound showed a very clear image of the baby's head and body. As far as the gender is concerned, the technician never asked if we wanted to know the sex, nor did she ever mention seeing a certain appendage. At this appointment, the technician wasn't able to get me clear printouts of the ultrasound for my baby photo album, so they asked me to come back the next week to finish up the appointment and get some printed pictures.
Week 21
A few days after the 20-week ultrasound with my mom and husband, I went to see my OB for my regular appointment. It was at this appointment that he dropped a bomb on me that I did not expect. Apparently the technician detected some possible "abnormality" with the heart, and further investigations are recommended. He immediately booked me with a pediatric heart specialist at the hospital down the street to get a fetal echocardiogram. The appointment was scheduled 4 days later.
I went home from the OB's office. My husband was working from home that day. I told him immediately what the doctor said, all the while fighting back a flood of tears. I held it together until I got upstairs to change. At that point, I just sat down on my bed and collapsed into tears. I couldn't stop crying. I had never felt more like a mother until that point. My tears kept flowing as I thought about my little baby in my belly with a possible faulty heart. I didn't want to think about what that would mean for the birth or delivery, and what hardships the baby would face after it was born into the world. I spent the rest of the day up in my room, crying to myself. By around 2pm, I was so exhausted from crying that I fell asleep. My husband, unaware how upset it was, came to check on me after he finished up work at 5. Once he came to me, of course the tears started up again. I went to bed early that night, exhausted and cried out, feeling like I had failed my unborn baby, feeling like a bad mother already.
By the time the next morning came around, I was feeling more clear-headed. I was already cried out, so no more tears came from me. My husband calmed me down as well, saying we shouldn't jump to conclusion until the echocardiogram. We also knew that no matter what the echo showed, we would love the baby with every ounce of love we have, and we would deal with the hardships if they come. The echo was only 4 days away, although it felt like 4 weeks.
Week 22
The day of the echo finally came, and my husband took time off work to come with me. I was so thankful to have him there for support. I didn't know how I would react if the doctor showed us bad news. I also wasn't sure if the doctor himself would be doing the echo, or if we would even get results right away, or would I have to wait for my next OB appointment in 3 weeks.
When we got to the hospital to the Diagnostic Imaging department, we were called in by the doctor's assistant. We were escorted to the exam room, and once we walked in, the doctor was there to greet us. He was very friendly, and made me feel more at ease. He even took the time to draw us a picture of the heart and explain to us what normal anatomy should be, and what we should see on the screen. Then I laid down on the exam table and rolled up my shirt. He squirted the jelly on my belly and began the echocardiogram. Unlike the regular ultrasounds I've been getting, this one was colored. To make a long story short, the doctor found everything to be normal. 2 vessels going into the heart bringing in oxygen, 2 vessels taking oxygen out. He suspected the technician who caused my worry in the first place couldn't see the 4 vessels clearly because either of the baby's position, or the lack of color on that ultrasound machine. We left the hospital feeling a sense of relief that could not be described.
The cardiologist also asked us if we wanted to know the sex of the baby. We didn't. But that didn't stop him from guessing. He said he learned a method of detecting the sex of the baby from a fellow doctor, and the method has been 90% accurate. He took my wrist, asked me a question (I think he asked for my birthday), and after a few seconds of holding my wrist said "I think it's a boy". My own instinct has said I'm having a boy too, although it's not based on any mysterious method, proven scientific tests, or even strange dreams. For some reason, when I looked at my Week 13 ultrasound, I thought it was a boy. That feeling has not changed.
Week 25
I spent Week 25 and half of Week 26 on holidays with my husband in BC. I took the flight fine. I sat at the aisle seat so I could get up and walk around whenever I wanted without disturbing other people in my row. Luckily the flight was pretty short, and I actually only had to get up once to stretch my legs.
By this point, I am showing definitively. I am no longer in the "Is she pregnant or just fat?" stage. I've been lucky so far. The pregnancy has mostly been focused on the belly. I actually still don't look pregnant from behind, for which I am very thankful. At this point, I have gained just 7 pounds of pregnancy weight. Even my mom, who is usually so blunt to tell me to my face if I look fat, said I looked great and the baby weight has been focused only on the belly.
By this point in my pregnancy, I had developed some strange food aversions. I can't seem to eat any food that has a shredded texture. A prime example is chicken. I can no longer eat chicken without hesitation. I don't race to the bathroom with my hand over my mouth, but it's definitely hard to "choke" down the chicken. Another example of shredded food I can't eat is pulled pork. We went to a favorite BBQ sandwich joint in town for an encore of their famous pulled pork sandwich, which I had early on in my pregnancy. This time, I could not eat it. I had to switch with my husband who got a beef brisket sandwich. I guess the brisket wasn't so shredded, because I was able to eat that just time.
Week 27
The baby is getting pretty active. It has been kicking and stretching a lot for the last 3-4 weeks. But now it just seems to be renovating in my belly or something. It's been favoring my right side a lot. When I sleep on my right side, it seems to sink even lower. And it doesn't seem to want to sink that low, because it then claws really down low into my right side like a cat's claw. It startles me so much that I literally yell out "AHHH!" I then have to roll over to my left side to appease the baby.
The baby also likes to stretch, creating spotty hard surfaces in places across my belly, usually on the right side. I then stroke the hard spot, and it eventually unstretches and goes back in. When the baby stretches like that, it feels very strange. It feels like the baby is taking his hand and jamming it up my throat. I wonder if it feels the same for other women.
Only 3 more months to go in my pregnancy. It's starting to hit me that I will have a baby in the house in just 3 short months. My husband's not nervous at all, while I'm biting my nails. I don't feel prepared at all. What do I do with this baby once we bring it home? What am I going to do when it cries? How much sleep would I get? How much sleep would the baby LET me get? Would the baby cry non-stop like Rachel's baby on Friends? Does that swinging from side-to-side really stop a baby's crying? Do I have a friend like Monica who has the magic touch?
Thursday, August 26
Wednesday, May 26
14 Weeks 4 Days
It might be just my imagination, but I might be starting to have food cravings and aversions. In the last week or so, I'm finding myself getting bored of Caucasian style food, at times even a bit nauseous after eating certain things. My husband is the cook in the family, and he has always made dinner that has a French influence. And while I don't want to seem ungrateful for having a husband that cooks for me, I find myself not appreciating the food he makes as much as I used to.
On the other hand, I'm finding myself craving sour candies and Chinese food. I am volunteering to make dinner a few times a week now just so I can make food that I crave. I've been calling my mom long distance to ask her how to make some childhood favorites (much to her delight!).
To date, I have bought 3 maternity items, all pants. With my mom visiting me in a month, she will be bringing some maternity hand-me-downs from my sister-in-law. But in order to survive the next month's worth of hot and humid weather, I needed some maternity capris and shorts, STAT! I never realized how comfortable maternity pants are until I tried them on a couple of weeks ago. Everyone should wear maternity pants, seriously. I was at the store with my husband. I'm not showing yet, but my usual jeans were starting to get a bit tight. So I went into the changing room, and came out with a pair of maternity jeans and a pregnancy pad underneath! I got a kick out of my husband's face when he saw my sudden protruding belly. I have to admit it's quite fun trying on maternity wear with the pregnancy pad, which puts you at about 5-6 months in bigness. I have to attend a wedding in a few months (near the end of my 2nd trimester). It will be fun trying on maternity dresses for that occasion. My personal preference for maternity pants is the full coverage band that covers my full belly. I find the low band uncomfortable. I ended up buying the 3-in-1 from Thyme Maternity. I highly recommend Thyme. Their sales people are very knowledgeable and friendly. Being a first-time mom, I was able to ask questions without feeling stupid... questions like "Do I need to buy maternity underwear?" and "When do I need to buy a new bra?"... neither of which I have had the need to buy yet. They did try to talk me into buying their stretch mark cream. I have to do some research on that before I make my judgment.
On the other hand, I'm finding myself craving sour candies and Chinese food. I am volunteering to make dinner a few times a week now just so I can make food that I crave. I've been calling my mom long distance to ask her how to make some childhood favorites (much to her delight!).
To date, I have bought 3 maternity items, all pants. With my mom visiting me in a month, she will be bringing some maternity hand-me-downs from my sister-in-law. But in order to survive the next month's worth of hot and humid weather, I needed some maternity capris and shorts, STAT! I never realized how comfortable maternity pants are until I tried them on a couple of weeks ago. Everyone should wear maternity pants, seriously. I was at the store with my husband. I'm not showing yet, but my usual jeans were starting to get a bit tight. So I went into the changing room, and came out with a pair of maternity jeans and a pregnancy pad underneath! I got a kick out of my husband's face when he saw my sudden protruding belly. I have to admit it's quite fun trying on maternity wear with the pregnancy pad, which puts you at about 5-6 months in bigness. I have to attend a wedding in a few months (near the end of my 2nd trimester). It will be fun trying on maternity dresses for that occasion. My personal preference for maternity pants is the full coverage band that covers my full belly. I find the low band uncomfortable. I ended up buying the 3-in-1 from Thyme Maternity. I highly recommend Thyme. Their sales people are very knowledgeable and friendly. Being a first-time mom, I was able to ask questions without feeling stupid... questions like "Do I need to buy maternity underwear?" and "When do I need to buy a new bra?"... neither of which I have had the need to buy yet. They did try to talk me into buying their stretch mark cream. I have to do some research on that before I make my judgment.
13 Weeks 5 Days
Today I went to get an ultrasound and blood test for the first round of IPS testing. I made the deadline with 1 day to spare (they don't do IPS testing once you're past 13 weeks 6 days). I had to arrive at my appointment with a full bladder. My appointment was at 11:15am. There was no wait, and I was in the exam room by 11:20.
The lab that I went down had a sign at the front reception: Baby ultrasound pictures available for $10. Please notify your technician before your exam. So when she called my name to go into the exam room, I immediately told her I wanted copies of the ultrasound. She said I can pay in cash when the exam is done.
I laid down on the table, anxious for visual confirmation on my baby on the screen. But I realized that I was there for IPS screening, so I stared off into space as the technician moved the ultrasound round and round on my abdomen for what seemed like 10+ minutes. At one point she told me "You have a very active baby!". So active in fact that she couldn't get the measurements she needed for the test. She told me to turn away from her to attempt to get a better angle, and when that didn't work, told me to turn the other way, equally with no better luck. Finally with my laying down on my back normally, she seemed to be able to get what she needed for the test, and she finally said "OK, let's see if we can get you some good pictures."
Turns out my baby didn't want to cooperate at all today. The technician said the baby is basically upside down, standing on his/her head. After fiddling around with different angles, I was able to get 2 pictures in the end, but the technician gave them to me for free because they were not the best pictures. To me, the pictures were perfect. I can see the head, the body, the legs, and most importantly, the beating heart. A big relief to SEE visual proof that there is a human baby growing inside me, safe and sound.
Here is my baby at 7 weeks:

And here s/he is again at 13 weeks 5 days:

It's human! What a relief!
After my ultrasound, I was sent downstairs to the blood lab for my blood tests. Having done some basic research online, I snuck a peek at the results that the technician wrote down on the lab work papers. The technician had written: CRM = 75.8MM, NT = 1.36mm.
When I returned home, I googled "normal NT measurements" and found out a normal NT measurement for a 13 week 6 day fetus is 2.8 mm. My measurement of 1.36mm seemed to indicate my baby is low risk. I am by no means a doctor, nor do I claim these research numbers to be accurate. But from this preliminary glimpse, at least my mind is slightly reassured until I hear the definitive test results.
I have to return to my OB for the 2nd round of IPS testing (another blood test) in 3 weeks, which puts me at 16 Weeks 6 Days. I hope that's not too last minute again for these tests. But I figured the doctor knows what he's doing when he asked me to come back in 3 weeks.
In the meantime, I will keep looking at my baby's ultrasound picture on my refrigerator door.
The lab that I went down had a sign at the front reception: Baby ultrasound pictures available for $10. Please notify your technician before your exam. So when she called my name to go into the exam room, I immediately told her I wanted copies of the ultrasound. She said I can pay in cash when the exam is done.
I laid down on the table, anxious for visual confirmation on my baby on the screen. But I realized that I was there for IPS screening, so I stared off into space as the technician moved the ultrasound round and round on my abdomen for what seemed like 10+ minutes. At one point she told me "You have a very active baby!". So active in fact that she couldn't get the measurements she needed for the test. She told me to turn away from her to attempt to get a better angle, and when that didn't work, told me to turn the other way, equally with no better luck. Finally with my laying down on my back normally, she seemed to be able to get what she needed for the test, and she finally said "OK, let's see if we can get you some good pictures."
Turns out my baby didn't want to cooperate at all today. The technician said the baby is basically upside down, standing on his/her head. After fiddling around with different angles, I was able to get 2 pictures in the end, but the technician gave them to me for free because they were not the best pictures. To me, the pictures were perfect. I can see the head, the body, the legs, and most importantly, the beating heart. A big relief to SEE visual proof that there is a human baby growing inside me, safe and sound.
Here is my baby at 7 weeks:
And here s/he is again at 13 weeks 5 days:
It's human! What a relief!
After my ultrasound, I was sent downstairs to the blood lab for my blood tests. Having done some basic research online, I snuck a peek at the results that the technician wrote down on the lab work papers. The technician had written: CRM = 75.8MM, NT = 1.36mm.
When I returned home, I googled "normal NT measurements" and found out a normal NT measurement for a 13 week 6 day fetus is 2.8 mm. My measurement of 1.36mm seemed to indicate my baby is low risk. I am by no means a doctor, nor do I claim these research numbers to be accurate. But from this preliminary glimpse, at least my mind is slightly reassured until I hear the definitive test results.
I have to return to my OB for the 2nd round of IPS testing (another blood test) in 3 weeks, which puts me at 16 Weeks 6 Days. I hope that's not too last minute again for these tests. But I figured the doctor knows what he's doing when he asked me to come back in 3 weeks.
In the meantime, I will keep looking at my baby's ultrasound picture on my refrigerator door.
13 Weeks 3 Days
We finally saw my OB for the first time at 13 Weeks 3 Days. I didn't have any OB before I found this doctor based on extensive internet research. So I had to ask my family doctor for a referral to my OB. My husband went with me to the OB appointment. I was expecting to get my first ultrasound in 6 weeks, and I wanted my husband with me to see it. But little did I know my OB didn't even have ultrasound equipment in his office. Nor did I know that my family doctor was supposed to make an appointment for prenatal screen testing. By the time we saw the OB, I was already at 13 weeks 3 days. We wanted to have screen testing done, and our OB told us that in order to get IPS done, the first round of tests must be done before I reach 13 weeks 6 days. I only had 3 days to make the deadline. (Note to you first-time moms: If you're getting a referral to an OB like I did, make sure to ask your family doctor about screen testing before the IPS deadline.)
My OB visit was fairly short. He took my family history, asked about genetic disorders that may run on either side, any history of miscarriages, allergies, early pregnancy symptoms, etc. Near the end of the appointment, he had me lay down on the exam table with a Doppler machine in his hand. At 13 weeks, you'll be able to hear the heartbeat with the Doppler, but he said he usually only finds the heartbeat at this stage of pregnancy 50% of the time. "If I can't find it, it doesn't mean anything is wrong," he reassured me. My husband and I looked at each other and thought the same thing: with our luck, we are the 50% that won't hear anything.
I laid down on the table, cleared my clothes out of the way (to make life more comfortable, I was already wearing maternity jeans at this point), and hoped for that sound I've only heard on TV shows. The doctor squirted that cold jelly stuff on me, and put the Doppler down on my abdomen. Immediately, we heard this weird noise that sounded like a freight train from a distance. He moved the device around for a few minutes, not finding the heartbeat. At one point, he paused, but then said "Nope, that's your own heartbeat." About to give up, he maneuvered the device around again (I didn't think there was a spot he hadn't covered by this point) and suddenly, I heard it. That familiar rhythmic "whooooosh-whooooosh-whooooosh" sound that I've only heard on TV shows where they were doing a prenatal exam. I turned to my husband immediately and said "There it is!". The doctor confirmed with "Yep, that's your baby's heartbeat... 155 beats per minute, very healthy." I couldn't help but smile. I hadn't had any reassurance for 6 weeks that the baby was OK in there, and finally I know I have made it through my first trimester with that beautiful sound. Even though I didn't have an ultrasound that reassured me VISUALLY, that sound was the most beautiful sound I could hear. I was really thankful that for once the odds were WITH us that we found the heartbeat.
I am scheduled for the first round of IPS testing in 2 days. Now that I know the baby is in there, I can't wait to see it on the ultrasound. The last ultrasound I had at 7 weeks showed a pea-sized dot that had no human resemblance. In 2 days, I'll get to see an actual human baby!
My OB visit was fairly short. He took my family history, asked about genetic disorders that may run on either side, any history of miscarriages, allergies, early pregnancy symptoms, etc. Near the end of the appointment, he had me lay down on the exam table with a Doppler machine in his hand. At 13 weeks, you'll be able to hear the heartbeat with the Doppler, but he said he usually only finds the heartbeat at this stage of pregnancy 50% of the time. "If I can't find it, it doesn't mean anything is wrong," he reassured me. My husband and I looked at each other and thought the same thing: with our luck, we are the 50% that won't hear anything.
I laid down on the table, cleared my clothes out of the way (to make life more comfortable, I was already wearing maternity jeans at this point), and hoped for that sound I've only heard on TV shows. The doctor squirted that cold jelly stuff on me, and put the Doppler down on my abdomen. Immediately, we heard this weird noise that sounded like a freight train from a distance. He moved the device around for a few minutes, not finding the heartbeat. At one point, he paused, but then said "Nope, that's your own heartbeat." About to give up, he maneuvered the device around again (I didn't think there was a spot he hadn't covered by this point) and suddenly, I heard it. That familiar rhythmic "whooooosh-whooooosh-whooooosh" sound that I've only heard on TV shows where they were doing a prenatal exam. I turned to my husband immediately and said "There it is!". The doctor confirmed with "Yep, that's your baby's heartbeat... 155 beats per minute, very healthy." I couldn't help but smile. I hadn't had any reassurance for 6 weeks that the baby was OK in there, and finally I know I have made it through my first trimester with that beautiful sound. Even though I didn't have an ultrasound that reassured me VISUALLY, that sound was the most beautiful sound I could hear. I was really thankful that for once the odds were WITH us that we found the heartbeat.
I am scheduled for the first round of IPS testing in 2 days. Now that I know the baby is in there, I can't wait to see it on the ultrasound. The last ultrasound I had at 7 weeks showed a pea-sized dot that had no human resemblance. In 2 days, I'll get to see an actual human baby!
Tuesday, April 27
10 Weeks 1 Day
Time to Tell 2nd Level Relatives and Close Friends
On my 10th week and 1 day, we had 2 of our closest friends and my cousin over for dinner. We decided it was close enough to 12 weeks to tell them. Besides it's impossible to arrange a time for all 3 of these people to get together. The next time they're all free, I might have delivered by then!
We decided to tell them by putting the picture of the ultrasound on the fridge, along with the usual family pics, and see who notices the picture first. It took 2 hours before my cousin finally noticed, and only after my husband moved the picture right beside the fridge handle! She came into the dining room and quietly said to me "Ummm, you have a picture on your fridge..." I said "Uh huh?" She asked "Is it yours?!", this time louder and with more enthusiasm after hearing my response. I nodded and said "You're the first one to notice! About time!" My friend immediately ran into the kitchen to see what she had missed, and she came running back in with the picture in her hand to show it to her boyfriend. The hugs and screams of "congrats" began, and the questions "how did you find out? how far along are you, etc etc etc" began to flow.
As of 10 weeks and 1 day, I am less nauseous than the beginning of the pregnancy. I'm starting to eat better, but still find myself getting full pretty easily. My skin is still blotchy and bumpy (I keep asking myself "Why can't I be one of those women who have beautiful glowing clear skin during their pregnancy?" But of course, with my luck, I get a WORSE complexion). I even switched my face wash and moisturizer to a really neutral gentle brand recommended by dermatologists. I'm not seeing any results after 2 weeks of use. My boobs are hurting more, and getting larger and harder. Turning over onto my side while sleeping would make them hurt, so forcing me to wake up enough to mentally note this position is no good. I've also been getting up in the middle of the night to pee. I think it's more the fear of peeing in my bed that's forcing me to get up. But it's not a little trickle pee either. I'm also finding my urine is more yellow and stinkier the last week or so. I don't know the scientific explanation to that one.
I'm finding myself just restless these days. It's been about 7 weeks since I found out I was pregnant, and I feel like the last 7 weeks have been the slowest of my existence. I am waiting day-by-day for my first trimester to be complete, waiting for my OB appointment at 13 weeks 4 days. But I still have another 3 weeks for that to arrive. I'm waiting til I start showing. I'm waiting til I am far enough along to go nursery furniture shopping. I'm waiting til I can start maternity clothes shopping. I'm researching prenatal classes to take, but I'm waiting to take those later in the pregnancy. Seems like I am just waiting these days, and waiting is just about testing my patience. The fact that I'm not working definitely doesn't help with the space in between waiting. There's only so much housework and errands I can do before I find myself waiting again.
Isn't the 9 months of pregnancy supposed to fly by? I'm not finding that at all. I'm just going stir crazy.
On my 10th week and 1 day, we had 2 of our closest friends and my cousin over for dinner. We decided it was close enough to 12 weeks to tell them. Besides it's impossible to arrange a time for all 3 of these people to get together. The next time they're all free, I might have delivered by then!
We decided to tell them by putting the picture of the ultrasound on the fridge, along with the usual family pics, and see who notices the picture first. It took 2 hours before my cousin finally noticed, and only after my husband moved the picture right beside the fridge handle! She came into the dining room and quietly said to me "Ummm, you have a picture on your fridge..." I said "Uh huh?" She asked "Is it yours?!", this time louder and with more enthusiasm after hearing my response. I nodded and said "You're the first one to notice! About time!" My friend immediately ran into the kitchen to see what she had missed, and she came running back in with the picture in her hand to show it to her boyfriend. The hugs and screams of "congrats" began, and the questions "how did you find out? how far along are you, etc etc etc" began to flow.
As of 10 weeks and 1 day, I am less nauseous than the beginning of the pregnancy. I'm starting to eat better, but still find myself getting full pretty easily. My skin is still blotchy and bumpy (I keep asking myself "Why can't I be one of those women who have beautiful glowing clear skin during their pregnancy?" But of course, with my luck, I get a WORSE complexion). I even switched my face wash and moisturizer to a really neutral gentle brand recommended by dermatologists. I'm not seeing any results after 2 weeks of use. My boobs are hurting more, and getting larger and harder. Turning over onto my side while sleeping would make them hurt, so forcing me to wake up enough to mentally note this position is no good. I've also been getting up in the middle of the night to pee. I think it's more the fear of peeing in my bed that's forcing me to get up. But it's not a little trickle pee either. I'm also finding my urine is more yellow and stinkier the last week or so. I don't know the scientific explanation to that one.
I'm finding myself just restless these days. It's been about 7 weeks since I found out I was pregnant, and I feel like the last 7 weeks have been the slowest of my existence. I am waiting day-by-day for my first trimester to be complete, waiting for my OB appointment at 13 weeks 4 days. But I still have another 3 weeks for that to arrive. I'm waiting til I start showing. I'm waiting til I am far enough along to go nursery furniture shopping. I'm waiting til I can start maternity clothes shopping. I'm researching prenatal classes to take, but I'm waiting to take those later in the pregnancy. Seems like I am just waiting these days, and waiting is just about testing my patience. The fact that I'm not working definitely doesn't help with the space in between waiting. There's only so much housework and errands I can do before I find myself waiting again.
Isn't the 9 months of pregnancy supposed to fly by? I'm not finding that at all. I'm just going stir crazy.
Wednesday, April 21
7 Weeks 4 Days
Telling The Parentals
Most new parents-to-be don't want to spread the good news until after the first trimester. As we all new mom-to-be's know, right after seeing that positive pregnancy test, the next time we reach for is the computer and google "when can we tell people we're pregnant". And the resulting page searches all tell you that miscarriages happen most often in the first 12 weeks. And because there is still uncertainty as to why miscarriages happen, there is no tell-all sign that you are at risk for one (some say smoking/drinking may attribute to having a miscarriage). Since I'm neither a smoker or a drinker, my husband and I debated long and hard about when to call up the parentals and tell them the good news. We (well, I) decided to tell them once the ultrasound comes back with a good sighting of the tadpole and a heartbeat.
So after getting just that very ultrasound at my 7 weeks 4 days appointment, I went home after my appointment and logged into my computer. I scanned a copy of the ultrasound, and emailed it to my mom and sister, with a very simple paragraph saying "I know you've been busy lately, so here's a picture to cheer you up!" I attached the picture, and pressed Send. My sister, having received the email on her iPhone, emailed me back almost immediately saying "OH MY GOD ARE YOU PREGNANT??!!! I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!" It took my mom a little longer (that evening) to get the email and call me. As soon as I picked up the phone, she yelled into my ear like she was in the same room, "Are you really pregnant???!!!" I confirmed. And the congratulations began, stopping only a few seconds later to begin telling me what I can and cannot eat. What I can and cannot do.
My husband's parents' reactions were quite comical. My husband began the phone conversation asking both parents to be on the phone (which I'm sure aroused suspicion because he never talks to them both at the same time). He then started them talking about chinese names and how you come up with the right name for a baby. His parents explained the male lineage and how their family line uses a particular word for a boy and another one for a girl. Then my husband tells them "Well, however you come up with the name, you have about 8 months to come up with one."
There was not even a full one second pause before his father exclaimed "HUH??!! YOU'RE REALLY PREGNANT????" As my husband said yes, the mother started screaming into the phone... "AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She screamed longer than I could hold my breath! After the screaming came the happy tears. She was just so happy to hear this news, and it was so much fun to hear her reaction. I wish I had been there in person to see her scream!
The next 3 calls to the rest of his family (3 older sisters) were a little less eventful, although all were thrilled with the news. 2 of them already have kids of their own, so they know what the feeling is like. I got immediate offers of hand-me-down maternity wear, which I gladly accepted.
So far we are only telling immediate family. Aunts, uncles, and cousins do not know yet. We are waiting a few more weeks to tell the rest of the family. We are going to wait til after the first trimester to tell friends and colleagues. We plan on telling my cousin and 2 close friends by 10 weeks. It will be fun to see their reaction face to face.
Most new parents-to-be don't want to spread the good news until after the first trimester. As we all new mom-to-be's know, right after seeing that positive pregnancy test, the next time we reach for is the computer and google "when can we tell people we're pregnant". And the resulting page searches all tell you that miscarriages happen most often in the first 12 weeks. And because there is still uncertainty as to why miscarriages happen, there is no tell-all sign that you are at risk for one (some say smoking/drinking may attribute to having a miscarriage). Since I'm neither a smoker or a drinker, my husband and I debated long and hard about when to call up the parentals and tell them the good news. We (well, I) decided to tell them once the ultrasound comes back with a good sighting of the tadpole and a heartbeat.
So after getting just that very ultrasound at my 7 weeks 4 days appointment, I went home after my appointment and logged into my computer. I scanned a copy of the ultrasound, and emailed it to my mom and sister, with a very simple paragraph saying "I know you've been busy lately, so here's a picture to cheer you up!" I attached the picture, and pressed Send. My sister, having received the email on her iPhone, emailed me back almost immediately saying "OH MY GOD ARE YOU PREGNANT??!!! I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!" It took my mom a little longer (that evening) to get the email and call me. As soon as I picked up the phone, she yelled into my ear like she was in the same room, "Are you really pregnant???!!!" I confirmed. And the congratulations began, stopping only a few seconds later to begin telling me what I can and cannot eat. What I can and cannot do.
My husband's parents' reactions were quite comical. My husband began the phone conversation asking both parents to be on the phone (which I'm sure aroused suspicion because he never talks to them both at the same time). He then started them talking about chinese names and how you come up with the right name for a baby. His parents explained the male lineage and how their family line uses a particular word for a boy and another one for a girl. Then my husband tells them "Well, however you come up with the name, you have about 8 months to come up with one."
There was not even a full one second pause before his father exclaimed "HUH??!! YOU'RE REALLY PREGNANT????" As my husband said yes, the mother started screaming into the phone... "AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She screamed longer than I could hold my breath! After the screaming came the happy tears. She was just so happy to hear this news, and it was so much fun to hear her reaction. I wish I had been there in person to see her scream!
The next 3 calls to the rest of his family (3 older sisters) were a little less eventful, although all were thrilled with the news. 2 of them already have kids of their own, so they know what the feeling is like. I got immediate offers of hand-me-down maternity wear, which I gladly accepted.
So far we are only telling immediate family. Aunts, uncles, and cousins do not know yet. We are waiting a few more weeks to tell the rest of the family. We are going to wait til after the first trimester to tell friends and colleagues. We plan on telling my cousin and 2 close friends by 10 weeks. It will be fun to see their reaction face to face.
Friday, April 16
7 Weeks 4 Days (for real this time)
How Can Something 1/3 the Size of a Capital "I" Have a Heartbeat?!
Ultrasound # (i lost count) finally arrived. Today I should be at the REAL 7 weeks, and there should be an embryo with a heartbeat inside me. We'll see. So the saying goes "I'll believe it when I see it."
Unfortunately on appointment day, my husband was away on business, so sadly he wasn't able to view the first possible heartbeat with me. I told him I would get a copy of the ultrasound picture and send it to him as soon as I got home.
My appointment time was at 10:30am. This time I got smart. Instead of waking up an hour before to flood my bladder with fluids, I decided just to sleep in until just before the appointment time. I skipped the morning trip to the toilet, keeping my bladder full with last night's liquids. This way I got another hour's worth of sleep, and I didn't have to force feed myself with water first thing in the morning.
I arrived at the appointment promptly. I was once again given a bunch of forms to take downstairs to the ultrasound room where I await for my name to be called. I stole a look at the forms again. Just like last time, the last piece of paper was the results of the last ultrasound. This time, to my delight, it said "Gestational sac seen." I'm hoping the good news continues.
They finally called my name and in I go for the pelvic ultrasound with the full bladder. Note to all ladies out there: your bladder doesn't have to be exploding for the ultrasound. Mine was not bursting at the seams, and they were able to complete the exam just fine. I went to empty my bladder and went back for the transvaginal ultrasound, the one that ultimately would show the embryo and, hopefully, heartbeat.
I laid back down on the table as the technician moved the intrusive device in and around me, trying to get all different angles I assume. After a few minutes of fidgeting, she paused to press some buttons on the machine, and continued fidgeting. Finally, she said "Everything looks good. There is a heartbeat. I will show you in a minute." I think I breathed the loudest sigh of relief without embarassing myself. I waited the long long minute for her to show me what she's seeing on the screen. She turned the screen towards me, and I propped myself up very awkwardly off the table to strain my neck to see. There it was on the screen. The gestational sac, the tiny little embryo, and a strange flashing white spot just to the right of the embryo's body. I asked the technician "Oh is that the heartbeat? That flashing light?" She said "Yes, it's at 135 bpm. That's good." I let my neck have some relief by lying back down on the table, and I actually fought the urge to cry, wishing my husband was here to see this with me. I asked the technician if I could have a copy of that image. She printed one out for me immediately. She finished up her exam, and I got dressed. As I left the room, she gave me the stapled piece of paper with my results on it to walk upstairs to my doctor. I was too distracted looking at my copy of the ultrasound to care about the stapled piece of paper.
I walked into my doctor's office and handed the paper to the receptionist, and took a seat to wait my turn to see the doctor. After about 15 minutes, she called me in. We sat down in her office and she congratulated me on getting pregnant, and that everything looked good. I should add at this point that this doctor is actually a fertility specialist. We were seeing her because we were having trouble conceiving naturally. We were on the verge of starting cycle monitoring when we surprisingly conceived successfully. Because she was the closest thing I had to an OB at this time, I continued to see her for these ultrasounds. But now that there is a pregnancy confirmed and a heartbeat, she told me to go see my family doctor to get a real referral to an OB who would take over my pre-natal care. And that's who exactly I went to see right after I left her office.
I drove straight to my family doctor's office. I hadn't seen her in over a year. If she saw me on the street, I don't think she would recognize me as her patient. But anyhow, I told her the good news and asked her for a referral to an OB in my neighborhood. I had done my research on the internet for some good OBs, and found a specific one i wanted to be referred to. She said she would get the paperwork started right away and they would call me once the appointment is set up.
In my meeting with the fertility doc to go over my ultrasound exam, I was at 7 weeks and 4 days of my pregnancy. However, the embryo measured in a 1cm, which corresponds to a 7 week 0 days gestation. I'm confused as to exactly how far along I am... 7 weeks 4 days or 7 weeks 0 days? But I suppose a few days here and there isn't that important. For my own satisfaction, I've been telling people 7 weeks 4 days just to put me a bit farther along. I already regressed a week from the last ultrasound. But from the expected due date, it seems to be calculated from the 7 weeks 0 days count.
Ultrasound # (i lost count) finally arrived. Today I should be at the REAL 7 weeks, and there should be an embryo with a heartbeat inside me. We'll see. So the saying goes "I'll believe it when I see it."
Unfortunately on appointment day, my husband was away on business, so sadly he wasn't able to view the first possible heartbeat with me. I told him I would get a copy of the ultrasound picture and send it to him as soon as I got home.
My appointment time was at 10:30am. This time I got smart. Instead of waking up an hour before to flood my bladder with fluids, I decided just to sleep in until just before the appointment time. I skipped the morning trip to the toilet, keeping my bladder full with last night's liquids. This way I got another hour's worth of sleep, and I didn't have to force feed myself with water first thing in the morning.
I arrived at the appointment promptly. I was once again given a bunch of forms to take downstairs to the ultrasound room where I await for my name to be called. I stole a look at the forms again. Just like last time, the last piece of paper was the results of the last ultrasound. This time, to my delight, it said "Gestational sac seen." I'm hoping the good news continues.
They finally called my name and in I go for the pelvic ultrasound with the full bladder. Note to all ladies out there: your bladder doesn't have to be exploding for the ultrasound. Mine was not bursting at the seams, and they were able to complete the exam just fine. I went to empty my bladder and went back for the transvaginal ultrasound, the one that ultimately would show the embryo and, hopefully, heartbeat.
I laid back down on the table as the technician moved the intrusive device in and around me, trying to get all different angles I assume. After a few minutes of fidgeting, she paused to press some buttons on the machine, and continued fidgeting. Finally, she said "Everything looks good. There is a heartbeat. I will show you in a minute." I think I breathed the loudest sigh of relief without embarassing myself. I waited the long long minute for her to show me what she's seeing on the screen. She turned the screen towards me, and I propped myself up very awkwardly off the table to strain my neck to see. There it was on the screen. The gestational sac, the tiny little embryo, and a strange flashing white spot just to the right of the embryo's body. I asked the technician "Oh is that the heartbeat? That flashing light?" She said "Yes, it's at 135 bpm. That's good." I let my neck have some relief by lying back down on the table, and I actually fought the urge to cry, wishing my husband was here to see this with me. I asked the technician if I could have a copy of that image. She printed one out for me immediately. She finished up her exam, and I got dressed. As I left the room, she gave me the stapled piece of paper with my results on it to walk upstairs to my doctor. I was too distracted looking at my copy of the ultrasound to care about the stapled piece of paper.
I walked into my doctor's office and handed the paper to the receptionist, and took a seat to wait my turn to see the doctor. After about 15 minutes, she called me in. We sat down in her office and she congratulated me on getting pregnant, and that everything looked good. I should add at this point that this doctor is actually a fertility specialist. We were seeing her because we were having trouble conceiving naturally. We were on the verge of starting cycle monitoring when we surprisingly conceived successfully. Because she was the closest thing I had to an OB at this time, I continued to see her for these ultrasounds. But now that there is a pregnancy confirmed and a heartbeat, she told me to go see my family doctor to get a real referral to an OB who would take over my pre-natal care. And that's who exactly I went to see right after I left her office.
I drove straight to my family doctor's office. I hadn't seen her in over a year. If she saw me on the street, I don't think she would recognize me as her patient. But anyhow, I told her the good news and asked her for a referral to an OB in my neighborhood. I had done my research on the internet for some good OBs, and found a specific one i wanted to be referred to. She said she would get the paperwork started right away and they would call me once the appointment is set up.
In my meeting with the fertility doc to go over my ultrasound exam, I was at 7 weeks and 4 days of my pregnancy. However, the embryo measured in a 1cm, which corresponds to a 7 week 0 days gestation. I'm confused as to exactly how far along I am... 7 weeks 4 days or 7 weeks 0 days? But I suppose a few days here and there isn't that important. For my own satisfaction, I've been telling people 7 weeks 4 days just to put me a bit farther along. I already regressed a week from the last ultrasound. But from the expected due date, it seems to be calculated from the 7 weeks 0 days count.
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